
When I was in Junior High School (early 1980’s) I was sporting BIG glasses and was, of course called, “Four Eyes.” I was also a late bloomer, thus teased for looking like a boy. I was growing my hair out because before that time, my mother always insisted on cutting my hair short, and I […]

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I remember the days of being shoved into lockers, books tossed out of my hands and the boys who would made sure to call me “four eyes” everyday. As I look back almost 9 years ago; I’m so glad I went through an awkward stage(years). My friends were my friends not because I was rich, […]

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I have a prosthetic left eye and when I was young a lot of kids use to call me cross eyed and picked on me I was bullied all the way until almost high school. I felt awkward all the way through school and even as I was mature enough I felt awkward but now […]

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Starting in elementary school, I was picked on for being smart, nerdy, skinny and ugly.  I was pushed down and threatened and felt totally helpless.  In middle school, things worsened as my group of girl friends and I exchanged hateful insults and ganged up on one another, choosing a new victim each week it seemed. […]

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I was always awkward growing up. My family was Baptist and had so many beliefs concerning the outward appearance that they placed on us. We were not allowed to wear pants, only skirts and dresses and culottes, we couldn’t wear makeup- I couldn’t even get my ears pierced! To top that off, I was never […]

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I was teased in Elementary school for being a nerd, fat, ugly and because I always hung out with the boys rather than the girls. I still remember the time when I was in 3rd grade that they pushed me to the ground and kicked me because I wasn’t “cool”. It ceased a bit during […]

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I was born with short hair. In first grade, before my dad took me to school, he took me to get haircut, even thought my hair was short enough. When I walked in the class, some boy shouted that I looked like a boy and the whole boys laughed. I started to cry. I often […]

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This picture was taken going into the 5th grade. I was in dire need of orthodontics and we could not afford it at the time. My brother though it would be funny to nick name me “Uncle Buck.” This was long before the movie ever came out. In a small town, word of my nickname […]

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