
First of all, I’d like to say that discovering this site and reading everyone’s stories has been really emotional. It’s heartwarming to see that you’re not the only one who went through the major ordeal high school can be. That being said, here’s my story :) Like many others here, I was a chubby, nerdy, […]

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Calling all Submissions!

Hi there everyone! I need some help. I wanted to reach out and ask all of you to share your awkward photo and story. I want so badly for this project to continue, but my efforts really depend on all of you. I would love to share as many stories as possible but it’s hard when I […]

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I was always that awkward teenager that loved history and languages. However, I never really knew how to express it well when I was in high school and middle school only to be told that I was ugly, that I was too nerdy and that I was too boy like. Well, a few years later […]

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I didn’t want to cheat so I took my ‘now’ pic with no makeup on. The teasing was relentless. It didn’t really help that I was weird, either. Girls were mean and boys were cruel, but I didn’t really care. To be honest, I think I’d be a lot more offended if someone called me […]

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I remember the days of being shoved into lockers, books tossed out of my hands and the boys who would made sure to call me “four eyes” everyday. As I look back almost 9 years ago; I’m so glad I went through an awkward stage(years). My friends were my friends not because I was rich, […]

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I have a prosthetic left eye and when I was young a lot of kids use to call me cross eyed and picked on me I was bullied all the way until almost high school. I felt awkward all the way through school and even as I was mature enough I felt awkward but now […]

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I had to choose between four awkward photos. This particular school photo was from the sixth grade. During one of those awkward years I had gone back to school shopping and chose some colorful underwear with very large red strawberries printed in the fabric. As I was changing in the gym locker room I drew […]

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As a child, I was a tomboy. Whenever people would pick on me for my weight/looks I would beat them up (even though, I was for the most part, pretty passive). I was very shy and never fit in. As the years went by, I gained much more confidence and realized – those that put you […]

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