I was that kid in primary school that all the boys avoided, who never had a boyfriend. I was taller than all the other girls in my class and most of the boys. My mum never let me wear make-up or do anything fancy with my hair because it was “unnecessary at my age” even […]
When I was in Junior High School (early 1980’s) I was sporting BIG glasses and was, of course called, “Four Eyes.” I was also a late bloomer, thus teased for looking like a boy. I was growing my hair out because before that time, my mother always insisted on cutting my hair short, and I […]
I remember the days of being shoved into lockers, books tossed out of my hands and the boys who would made sure to call me “four eyes” everyday. As I look back almost 9 years ago; I’m so glad I went through an awkward stage(years). My friends were my friends not because I was rich, […]
I was 8 years old in the picture and teased daily because I was overweight. I hated going to school because I knew I’d end up in tears. My mother and father would tell me it was going to be ok. That it was just a faze. I’d grow up and lose the weight. That […]
I have a prosthetic left eye and when I was young a lot of kids use to call me cross eyed and picked on me I was bullied all the way until almost high school. I felt awkward all the way through school and even as I was mature enough I felt awkward but now […]
I was always the chubby kid growing up. My brother and sister were both thin, popular and athletic, where I was chubby, nerdy and clumbsy. This photo is my basketball photo for the YMCA basketball team I was on, and it’s actually the best picture I ever took between the ages of 10-14! Middle school […]
Starting in elementary school, I was picked on for being smart, nerdy, skinny and ugly. I was pushed down and threatened and felt totally helpless. In middle school, things worsened as my group of girl friends and I exchanged hateful insults and ganged up on one another, choosing a new victim each week it seemed. […]
I had to choose between four awkward photos. This particular school photo was from the sixth grade. During one of those awkward years I had gone back to school shopping and chose some colorful underwear with very large red strawberries printed in the fabric. As I was changing in the gym locker room I drew […]