- 9 years old
- Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho
- 31 years old
- St. George, Utah
- Physician Assistant in Orthopedics
My Story...
I can remember I had to dress myself for school in the morning since my mom had to leave early for work. This included bright green sweatpants and turtle necks under everything including my T-shirts. I just wanted to be comfortable at school. Girls would ask me if I owned a pair of jeans. I asked a friend once which colored turtle neck I should wear under my T-shirt. He told me I should just wear the T-shirt. My glasses seemed to never fit my face and they seemed to grow in size when I needed a new pair. My teeth were really crooked and I was never wanted to smile in front of girls.
I can remember countless times I was bullied at school and around the neighborhood. I was pushed in a huge stack of cereal boxes in a grocery store one day, and I was kicked in the face while I was walking home from school by two kids on a bike. I can’t count the number of four eyed joked I heard everyday at school. I remember I asked a girl for a piece of gum and she told me she couldn’t since it would get stuck between my crooked teeth. I was always picked last for kickball during recess. I often would rather practice the piano than go out and play with other kids.
I have my wonderful family to thank who loved and supported me during this time. I tried so hard to not let the kids at school get to me and bring me down. Looking back I feel I became a stronger person because of my childhood. I wouldn’t change one thing about that nerdy kid I see in those pictures. As I grew I had braces, contacts, and a little better dressing selection. In high school I was a state champion hurdler in track and field which helped me pay my way through college on a track scholarship. I later received my Master’s degree in Physician Assistant Studies. I love to play and write music. I have had the opportunity to professionally record some of my original songs. I currently have a beautiful wife, 3 children, and a wonderful career that I enjoy doing everyday.