- 11 years old
- Monroe, Wisconsin
- 21 years old
- Washington, DC
- Rising Senior at George Washington University at the School of Business studying Sport and Event Management
My Story...
My name is Jamie and I am currently a rising senior at the George Washington University. I am a division one athlete here, which has been an incredible opportunity. I am from the small town of Monroe, Wisconsin. Like anyone else, I went through many awkward years! I have learned two big things from these years. The first is not to judge anyone because you never know who they will grow up to be. I never imagined through my years of headgear, braces, and baby fat that I would grow up to be a division 1 athlete, but somehow I am today. The second thing I learned is to have a good sense of humor about it. It has become a great past time of my friends and family to sit around and go through old pictures. My mom loves to scrapbook every aspect of my life, which means all my awkward years are well documented. However, instead of being embarrassed and try to hide these pictures, I allow myself to laugh about what I have gone through because honestly that little girl and all she went through helped me grow into who I am today.