Jessica Rossi

Guest Submission


  • 15
  • On the left is a picture of myself in grade 9.


  • 27
  • Ontario, Canada
  • Senior Database Analyst at a major retail company in Canada

My Story...

I just wanted to give a piece advice to all the kids that feel like they will never make it to the next day. You will! Stay strong and be positive, and always remember that high school is just a small Insignificant part of your life. Never let anyone bring you down or tell you that you aren’t good enough. I was told multiple times a day that I was a loser and that it’s not Halloween anymore so stop dressing like a freak. I would just put my music on and ignore them all. Everyone has insecurities, and the people that are making fun of you, probably have biggest the insecurities of them all. At the end of the day just remember that life after high school is AMAZING! Travel as much as you can, love always and just remember to smile! Be you and never let anyone change that!

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