- 8 years old
- Sacramento, California
- 30 years old
- Youngstown, Ohio
- Engaged mother of three
My Story...
Growing up I was extremely quiet and very shy. I had a few friends but we were all considered “nerds”. I was made fun of all through elementary school. Called “ugly”, had my head slammed against a wall by a boy I thought was a friend, had my hair cut by girls and even had my jewelry flushed down the school toilets. I lost my dad in 1994 to cancer and my mother in 1998 to cancer which made it hard as a teen to deal with the alienation and my self-esteem issues. Even though people tell me I’m beautiful now, I still struggle with self-esteem issues but I know that I’m a beautiful person inside and my family loves me. That’s all that matters.
You were beautiful then…and you are beautiful now. I’m sorry anyone made you ever feel like you’re not good enough. You are. *hugs*
You’re beautiful hun, stay strong. ❤❤