- 11 years old
- Raymond, Washington
- 33 years old
- Riverton, Utah
- Stay-at-home-mom
My Story...
My picture is me in 6th grade, 11 years old, I had braces and was trying to do the “no bang” style with my big old forehead. I have had bangs ever since.
At the time we were living in Raymond, Washington, a small town on the coast of Washington State. My parents moved from Logan, Utah to Raymond, Washington to live on the Family Farm when I was 9 years old. It was a hard adjustment from moving to a town with a mall, shopping and people to a very small town where the closest town to shop and entertain was an hour’s drive away. Most of the kids have grown up together and knew each other since they were all little. I did have friends but I don’t remember any big bullying event but, as all kids, I was picked on from time to time. I tried out for my Jr. High Cheerleading team to prove you didn’t have to be popular to be a cheerleader. We tried out in front of judges, not our peers, and I was picked for the 8th grade Jr. Cheerleading squad. I also go into horse back riding and barrel racing, that helped me grow up, mature and gain confidence.
My mom and dad got divorced and my mom moved us girls back to Logan after I finished the 8th grade. By the time I was in High School, I didn’t care about the “cool” crowd, I just wanted to get the best grades I could and get out of High school so I could start my life. I think working with animals and adults helped me stay out of the high school/teenager drama. I guess I was always grown up/mature for my age.
I am 33 now, married for 14 years and have 4 kids, we live in Riverton, Utah. I am a stay at home mom, but I mostly spend my day in my car driving kids around.
I am trying my hardest to help my 11 & 8 year old daughters to gracefully age and handle their upcoming “awkward” years the best that I can.