

  • 11 years old
  • Taylorsville, Utah


  • 28 years old
  • Murray, Utah
  • Stay-at-home-mom and Hairdresser

My Story...

I was a very sad, awkward, transitioning Tom Boy. Trying to get boys to like me instead of friend zoning me to get closer to my friends. At 11 I obviously didn’t know what I was doing I would always sneak shirts from my sister’s closet who was 4 1/2 years older then me, because she was the coolest person I knew so obviously wearing her clothes would make the boys like me. This picture really reminds me of that time. The button-up shirt that was slightly too big shirt coupled with the amazing overall shorts that were slightly too small, have you SEEN overall shirts that are too small..? Yikes. The crazy bushy eyebrows and the over hairsprayed, uncharacteristic, trying too hard hair style. Wanting to fit in so bad and not understanding why I didn’t. I remember being in such a sad and lonely place, putting so much pressure on myself why I wasn’t good enough. It’s really sad to think about how depressed I was, for nothing! Everything turned out better then I could’ve ever imagined back then. I wish someone would’ve taken the time to really explain that it does get better.

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