
Guest Submission


  • 8 years old
  • Lakeland, Texas


  • 39 years old
  • Westland, Michigan
  • Vendor Manager

My Story...

I was always awkward growing up. My family was Baptist and had so many beliefs concerning the outward appearance that they placed on us. We were not allowed to wear pants, only skirts and dresses and culottes, we couldn’t wear makeup- I couldn’t even get my ears pierced! To top that off, I was never thin, I wore glasses and had acne. In this particular picture, I also had the bowl haircut since I had thick hair and they found this easier to maintain. Needless, to say, I was constantly made fun of.

Today, I am a wife, mother, blogger, business associate and have an MBA. On my blog, Curvy Girl on the Run, I showcase outfits and how to wear items as a curvier woman. I love having this venue to share my love of fashion and desire to help others see their true beauty no matter their size.

I found this project through Instagram and love to read all of the stories like mine. I also love that I am able to share this with my son and talk to him about bullying and the need to love ourselves as well as others. I tell him ” this too shall pass” and when you are older, you will be able to look back like I am today and see how this helped you become the person that you are.

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