- 10 years old
- Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- 32 years old
- Salt Lake City, Utah
- Small Business owner and Part Time Photographer
My Story...
I’m very thrilled to feature my new friend, Gina! I met her thanks to Instagram. On the @igutah account, they featured one of Gina’s photos, so out of curiosity, I checked out her feed and loved everything I saw! Then we got to talking and she graciously volunteered to help me with my project! Talented AND generous! Hard to believe this beauty had any awkward years! She brought three pictures on one sheet because, “No one wanted to cut any out to frame!” Haha… (I’m sure that can’t be the reason!) These pictures give my old school self a run for my lunch money! Too bad I didn’t know her way back then because us cute nerds need to stick together!
I like the edit you did on this.