- 13 years old
- Glendale, Arizona
- 37 years old
- Phoenix, Arizona
- High School Teacher
My Story...
Middle school years were, by far, some of the most miserable years of my life; I thought they would never end. I even felt suicidal during that time period. Throughout my life, I’ve always been shy and a bit quirky—not a good combination when you are desperately trying to fit in with others. I was never popular in school, but looking back, I wasn’t as unpopular as I felt inside. It’s only been in the last few years that I’ve really been comfortable in my own skin. I still fight my shyness, such as when I’m with new people, or getting my bearings in new situations, but I’ve learned that it’s better to just own who I am, even if I feel nervous. As a high school teacher, I work my quirkiness to my advantage—it’s fun for all! My advice to those still in the awkward years: Life is like wine because it gets better with age.