- 17 years old
- New Zealand
- 26 years old
- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Owns a Travel Agency
My Story...
I was 13 when it started. i was pretty and the popular girl ask me to join her group. i was happy and popular, the guys start looked at me. but the popular girl didn’t like it.. so i don’t know how she did that and next they everybody hated me, started to call me ugly, and nick names, like ghost, that i’m too thin, i’m too white (in brazil is not a lot of really white people, most of people is tan)
And in this time had a lot of girls gang in my neighborhood so i had almost 40 girls wanting to fight me, and hit me, i couldn’t go to the movies, i had to go out of school early for some months…
And bullying in brazil is only talked when someone dies.. so everybody said that is normal, that everyone has a nick name at school.. and i didn’t have fun time for a year.. after that they stopped hunting me and just call me ugly until a graduated…”Because of that i got fatter, and weirder.. i dyed my hair in different colors, dress like a clubber with a lot of bright colors…
I believed that i was ugly, when i was 18 i start the gym and i start to modeling, only pictures, and i understood that i was not ugly . so i started take care of me and my happiness and how i look.